- Centenary Celebration at Peterborough Cathedral
Just a short reminder from DG David that we will be celebrating 100 years of Rotary service in D1070 next Sunday afternoon at Peterborough Cathedral. Not only will the deputy Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire (Dr Jaspal Singh) be in attendance but also the Cathedral Choir will be singing for us. The service will be led by Bishop John Holbrook, a member of the Wellingborough Rotary Club. Advised attendance for such a key event is distinctly average at present so David would personally be very grateful if anyone who is, as yet, undecided, could make the effort to come along. He looks forward to seeing you. The service starts at 15.30 but we are asked to be in our seats by 15.20.
- District Assembly
Registration for District Assembly closes this Wednesday 8th May for all wishing to join for the light buffet lunch before driving home. We are extending the registration period with no lunches available until the following Tuesday 14th May. Make sure your club’s project leaders are registered, to learn more about creating success for your club in the coming year.
- District Team Vacancies
Please inform your members that there are opportunities to serve in various of our District teams providing support to clubs and their projects in 2024-25:
Assistant District Secretary
Sailability Co-Ordinator
Rotaract District Lead
Rota Kids Lead
Minor Sports. Chris Chew tells me Minor Sports will not be run in the coming year without someone to run it. He will support but cannot lead.
Member of Finance Team
There are also vacancies on other District Teams – just ask.
I will shortly be seeking nominations for the various elected roles on the District Exec in 2025-26: DGNN (to be DG in 2027-28), AGs for all 10 areas, District Secretary and assistant, District Treasurer and assistant, members of the finance committee, accounts examiner. Watch this space.
- Rotary View
Please make sure that your club’s details on Rotary View are up to date:
- The names of your club’s 2024-25 president, president-elect, secretary, treasurer, Rotary Foundation chair, membership chair, and project leaders as well as their contact details, such as mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers.
- Your club’s meeting details: place, address, day, and time.
- Your club’s contact information: your meeting venue and times, a permanent phone number and, if you have one, a permanent email address so that non-members can contact you, as well as your club website.
- Race Against Dementia
We all know what a challenge dementia can be, both to the afflicted person and to the family. Kate Hodges in District 1060 Invites us all to a Zoom talk on Race Against Dementia on 7th May 2024 at 7.00pm given by Rotarian Fred McCrindle OBE and Rachel McCrindle, Emeritus Professor University of Reading. See attachment for details.