
Hi all let me introduce you all to Nitesh Joshi Chair of the Board Rotary GB&I Below is a copy of a recent email he sent to me as your president therefore I wish to share his thoughts on the future of Rotary Dear Club President Nigel, I hope this message […]

Future of Rotary   Recently updated !

Hi all let me introduce you all to Nitesh Joshi Chair of the Board Rotary GB&I Below is a copy of a recent email he sent to me as your president therefore I wish to share his thoughts on the future of Rotary Dear Club President Nigel, I hope this message […]

The Future of Rotary

Centenary Celebration at Peterborough Cathedral Just a short reminder from DG David that we will be celebrating 100 years of Rotary service in D1070 next Sunday afternoon at Peterborough Cathedral.   Not only will the deputy Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire (Dr Jaspal Singh) be in attendance but also the Cathedral Choir […]

Vice update

voice for our Clubs and Team Leaders to let everyone know what’s going on in our District. Who is this magazine for? The simple answer is everyone! News & Events is a magazine directed not just at Rotary members, but our friends & neighbours, wherever and whoever they may be. […]

Rotary Magazine

Welcome Hatton Rotarians to my update report on our district developments . District Conference Fri, Jun 28th 2024 at 9:00 am- Sun, Jun 30th 2024 – 5:00 pm Combined with District Handover The Scarborough Spa is the venue for the 2024 Conference and we hope to organise a good attendance […]

District 1070 Report