Tony Frankland

Group: Team Leader: DATE: Spire Satellite Group & Environmental Tony Frankland July 2021 2020-21: • Autumn 2020 Spire Satellite Group formaAon approved and supported by Rotary Club of Wellingborough HaJon HaJon • IntenAon to appeal to the community with flexible, lighter, efficiently funcAoning group of all genders, families, friends, supporters other groups and volunteers. • Group to report to HaJon with regular updates through club council and business meeAngs • Separately organised - support for each group with different opportuniAes for community IniAal progress to date • November 2020 - Provided team from Spire Group and community volunteers to cover 8 hours with a stall on behalf of Royal BriAsh Legion Poppy appeal raising £1600 • December 2020 - Santa Sleigh collecAon, 7 nights with Spire members and supporters raising over £2000 for the local community • January 2021 - offered to support Cransley Hospice with Christmas tree recycling collecAons, unfortunately cancelled due to pandemic rules • June 2021 - Isebrook project started with iniAal clearing overgrown garden, paths, shrubs etc. Long term project of creaAng & maintaining sensory & Well-Being garden for hospital Events/Projects 202122 • “Introducing Spire Satellite Rotary Group” evening of food, music, guests, charity supporters and groups associated with our current and proposed projects. • Car rally NC500 - 500 miles around Scotland in cars under £500 and 1.4ltr. Raising money for Cransley Hospice • 60/70’s music night • Quiz night • Request by Cransley Hospice to be involved in Sensory and Well-Being Garden • Nenescape - project with Area 6 clubs for involvement with Nene Valley Way

Club Assemblé 2021-22 Environmental & Spire Satelite Group